Serving Syracuse and Central New York 315-439-1103
Before and After Radon Levels
Below is a list of some of the homes where we've installed radon mitigation systems alongside the before and after radon levels. Nearly all listed tests were conducted in the basement levels of the home. All the before and after tests were short term radon tests ranging from 2 to 7 days in length. We can't guarantee how far below 4 pi/L we can get the radon but our average results are below 2 pCi/L.
Please Note: The average measurement for radon in the outside air in Central New York is about 0.5 pCi/L. However it is often higher in high radon areas; I did a grab sample radon test in the backyard of an Ithaca home using an electronic continuous radon monitor placed about 3 ft. above the lawn; that average radon level in the outside air was 10.6 pCi/L. So as you can see, we often achieve indoor radon levels substantially lower than what it is in the outside air.
Our Before and After Mitigation Radon Levels:
Radon Test Levels measured in pCi/L - Before / After
Phil Skeps, 80 Triphammer Terrace, Ithaca 9.7 / 1.2
Jolene Rightmyer, 7 Whispering Pines Dr., Ithaca (Realtor, 607-220-5464) 11.0 / 1.3
Bill Gerding, 146 Whitetail Dr., Ithaca 6.0 / 0.6
Warren Zipfel, 106 Valley Rd., Ithaca 20.1 / 1.5
Han Cho, 1114 East Shore Drive, Ithaca (Sellers) 8.0 / 1.2
Howard Ott, 741 Comfort Rd., Ithaca 4.8 / 1.0
Jeanette Miller, 63 Highgate Circle, Ithaca (Seller, 607-279-4315) 14.0 / 1.7
Chris Nattrass, 316 Siena Dr., Ithaca 8.0 / 2.4
Warren Zipfel, 106 Valley Rd., Ithaca, NY 20.0 / 1.5
Carmen Jackson, 134 Hawthorn Place, Ithaca (Seller, out of state) 6.4 / 0.6
Dwayne Hoch 559 Ringwood Rd., Freeville 10.0 / 0.5
George Dale Jr., 1801 Traverse Rd., Virgil 7.5 / 0.4
Barbara Blanchard, (Realtor) 243 Fisher Settlement Rd., Spencer 11.0 / 0.6
Dale Austin 24 Park Street, Moravia, NY 30.5 / 0.6
Brian and Becky Cameron, 3820 Willet Rd., Odessa, NY 6.0 / 0.1
631 Mt Pleasant Rd., Freeville, NY 13068 (Crawl space area was not addressed, for an -
additional cost we could have gotten the radon level significantly lower) 4.0 / 3.2
Al Maccou, 310 Clark Street Ext., Groton, NY 17.0 / < 0.3
Fred Howe, 609 Peruville Rd., Groton 8.5 / < 0.3
Joe Giordano, 1053 Bennie Rd., Cortland (Realtor, (607) 351-1267) 56.9 / < 0.3
Chris Dimarco (owner), 4307 Kelsey Dr., Syracuse 26.0 / 1.3
Barb Genton (owner), 301 Roe Ave., Syracuse 11.4 / 1.7
Matt McDowell Realty Group, 106 Kenyon Dr., Syracuse (315-451-2023) 18.0 / 1.5
Gene Keegan, 5250 Winkworth Parkway, Syracuse 7.4 / 0.3
Barbra Down, Caleb Ave., Syracuse 40.0 / 0.5
Carl Ford, (Seller) 1843 Runnymede Dr., Cazenovia 8.9 / 1.1
Molly Gabor, 19 Hickory Lane, Cazenovia 6.6 / 1.5
Hobbit Hollow Farm, 3075 West Lake Rd., Skaneateles 11.2 / 0.7
Peter Darmento, 6211 Olmstead Rd., Chittenango (moved) 6.1 / 0.7
Edward Menkin, 116 Wellwood Drive, Fayetteville (Attorney, 315-425-1212) 17.0 / 0.3
Marie Bluen, 8061 Merrimac Drive, Manlius 6.7 / 0.6
Bill Habursky, (moved) 116 Greeley Circle, Liverpool 11.0 / 2.1
George Crowley, 4599 Providence Rd., Jamesville 8.9 / 0.5
Wormuth’s, 6781 Morehouse Flats Rd., Jamesville, NY 10.8 / < 0.3
James Shuler, 8174 Cranes Watch Circle, Baldwinsville, NY 103.2 / 0.4
Renee Ecke,r 5953 Hebrides Trail, Cicero (Seller, out of state) 6.4 / 1.6
Tom Bratton, 17497 Becky Lane, Adams 8.6 / 1.0
Joe Lull, 4652 County Rt. 22, Lacona (Seller) 12.0 / 2.6
Eric Keenly, 11 Ely Dr., Fayetteville, NY (Seller) 8.1 / 3.4
Joe Santaro, 8308 Creekcrest Cir., Manlius (Owner) 7.5 / 0.8
Another Example: 6 radon mitigation systems I installed in September 2018 had an average of 1.3 pCi/L for the post mitigation radon tests - those test results: 0.6 pCi/L, 0.2pCi/L, 2.0pCi/L, 2.1pCi/L, 2.8pCi/L, 0.2pCi/L. These were all tests conducted by the homeowners, using a NY State Certified test kit sent to an independent 3rd party Laboratory so there is conflict of interest by me, the radon contractor doing his own post mitigation testing to confirm acceptable radon levels.
New York Radon Test Levels
Before and After Radon Mitigation, Zoom out for full state
See the interactive map below to view the radon test levels in homes before and after we have installed our radon mitigation systems. This map is a work in progress, as we are adding over 800 successful radon mitigation systems installed in New York State. You can click on the radon icons to view home address and radon test results.
Our Radon Mitigation Systems Map Key
Zoom in and out to see details of Central and Upstate New York radon mitigation systems installed by A Best Radon Systems. See how high radon levels are in different parts of the state. Most of the radon mitigation systems we install achieve post mitigation radon levels below 2 pCi/L.
The highest radon levels in New York are in Cortland county, with radon levels above 600 pCi/L around Tully. We've tested and successfully mitigated some Onondaga county homes in Jamesville and Manlius with radon levels over 200 pCi/L. We've also mitigated +100 pCi/L homes in Baldwinsville, Chittenango, and Brooktondale.

For Central New York, If you need radon mitigation, radon testing or service, contact us: